Meet The Staff
Amy Sayle - Educator & Support Guide
Amy communicates astronomy to the public and tells stories about the stars under the Morehead Planetarium sky, at skywatching events, and at Bryce Canyon National Park’s annual astronomy festival. She has a PhD in epidemiology, and is a proud winner of the Bold-Faced Liars’ Showdown in Laurinburg for a tall tale about accidentally piloting a planetarium full of 4th graders into outer space. Amy is our resident “Astronomer” and you will likely meet her if you join one of Frog Hollow’s Paddle Under the Stars programs.
Anna Tal - Operations Support & Support Guide
Anna is an avid hiker, biker and lover of all things outside. If she's not planning her next hiking trip on the Appalachian Trail she's probably looking for rocks to climb, parks to explore and bike trails to cruise. Along with her work at Frog Hollow, Anna is a Spanish translator currently using her skills with Duke Medical. Her passion is being in nature and motivating others to do the same and experience the wonderful, therapeutic great outdoors.
Banks Dixon - Original Frog Hollowian :)
In 1998 with an answering machine, a handful of canoes, and a passion for the outdoors, Banks began a tiny side hustle he called Frog Hollow. Currently, along with operating Frog Hollow, Banks is the Outdoor Adventure Instructor at Insight Co-Learning in Durham NC, and works with the National Center for Outdoor Adventure Education planning and guiding backcountry expeditions. Banks has lived and breathed work in the outdoor industry since the late 80s. Examples of his past work include positions as the Adventure Director for Camp Frederick in OH, Stewardship Coordinator for the Triangle Land Conservancy, and slinging gear at the Great Outdoor Provision Co. He is an Eagle Scout, a trained American Canoe Association (ACA) Kayak Instructor, a Wilderness First Responder (WFR), NOLS Outdoor Educator, and served in the US Marine Corps. His personal travels include numerous challenging expeditions, highlights of these include thru-hiking the AT, summiting Mt. Rainier, traversing the Baja, trekking the Annapurna’s in Nepal, and kayaking the Grand Canyon. Banks is committed to helping people gain a greater respect and understanding of themselves, others, and their environment through outdoor adventure based experiences.
Ben Gaspar - Camp Coordinator, Guide, and Instructor
Ben Gaspar loves hanging out around a campfire, easy multi-pitch climbing, hiking with his wife Katie and his dog Moose along the Eno, and helping others find joy, knowledge, and connection through outdoor experiences. As an educator in Durham Public Schools for 12+ years he was the pioneer of programs such as Northern High School’s Outdoor Education and Adventure Eductation Classes, and Merrick Moore Elementary’s fourth grade Outdoor Education Class, programs that allow students to learn far outside the classroom walls. In 2014 he moved abroad to study and receive his Masters in Outdoor Education from the University of Edinburgh. Ben has worked with Frog Hollow since 2008, he now leads multiple summer camps including this years Terrain Explorers and The Peak & The Hollow.
Chris Hendricks - Camp Coordinator, Guide, and Instructor
A native of Akron, Ohio, Chris earned his bachelor's degree in recreation management with a focus on outdoor recreation in 2009, and has since served as the Director of Outdoor Adventures for Duke University, Coordinator for Iowa State University’s Outdoor Recreation Program, and Outdoor Adventures Graduate Assistant at Kent State. Chris is an avid climber, paddler, cyclist and backpacker with extensive backcountry leadership experience and he is passionate about sharing his love for outdoor recreation with the rest of the world.
Deanna Ludwick - Operations Support, Lead Guide, and Instructor
Deanna is a natural leader who loves to share her knowledge of the great outdoors with others. She has a natural and fluid coaching style that comes to the forefront when helping Frog Hollow guests get on the water. Her work in the outdoors and with youth is impressive, she is a former Youth Director for the YMCA of the Triangle, and has an extensive depth of Camp and Program Directorships through the Girls Scouts in NC, SC, and OH, and she is currently the Operations and Programs Manager for Pullen Park in Raleigh.
Diogo Gomes - Operations Support, Camp Counselor, Guide
Diogo, who grew up in Chapel Hill, is kicking off his first year at Frog Hollow. He has tons of experience with kids from working the past 5 years as a swim instructor. Diogo loves everything outdoors or technology-related. He likes to mountain bike, climb, hike, swim, and now paddle. Diogo is currently at Toronto Metropolitan University, studying Photography and Geographic Analysis. When not on the water or leading camps, you can find Diogo in Carolina North Forest riding singletrack or wading through the creek.
Elijah Halligan - Camp Counselor, Support Guide, and Instructor
Elijah Halliagan was born in Durham NC and has been on the water as long as he can remember. He loves any type of kayaking, skiing, and biking. Elijah started his journey working for Frog Hollow as a CIT when he was only 13 years old. He is currently living his life to the fullest.
Izzy Moffitt - Camp Counselor, Admin Support, and Guide
Izzy has lived in Durham most of her life and became involved with Frog Hollow through camps at age 10. Izzy began work with Frog Hollow at 14 as a CIT/SIT. This is the 3rd year that Izzy has been on staff, running camps, trips or other programs alike. Izzy is currently at University of New Hampshire studying Recreation Management & Policy. Izzy loves to be outside (preferably in a body of water) but isn’t picky and has been swimming or playing in the Eno for as long as she can remember, and when not working that’s where you’ll find them - in the river, or in a hammock along the bank in the shade!
Jerry Yang - Lead Guide & Instructor
While you may see Jerry teaching an Intro to Kayak Class or leading a school group out on Falls or Jordan Lake, but his true passion is whitewater. Jerry lives a beautiful transient life in his Honda Element (The Adventure Toaster) paddling southeastern whitewater, and in-between his play time rotates through work with multiple outfitters in NC. If he’s not teaching, guiding or paddling for personal fun, Jerry is hard at work editing videos and creating content for his thousands of followers on social media. Check him out on YouTube, Tiktok, or Instagram as JerKayaks.
Jordan Ludwick - Lead Guide and Instructor
Jordan began his journey with us in 2016. He enjoys all things outdoors, especially biking and fly fishing. His full time job is with North Carolina State Parks working as a maintenance construction tech. He loves maintaining trails and managing our natural resources. Jordan’s passion for outdoor recreation comes from a childhood of boy scouts, camping, exploring, and just always being outside.
Julian Phelps - Lead Guide and Instructor
Julian began working at Frog Hollow in 2015. While residing in Hillsborough and working both there and Durham, he loves to explore the outdoors through paddling, nature walks, cycling, and swimming. While not outdoors, he is painting abstract nature and exhibiting his art on 3rd Friday’s in his studio, Phelps Phine Art, in downtown Durham.
Michael Feigin - Lead Guide & Instructor
The guy with an accent. Growing up Michael went flat-water kayaking and camping with his parents often, and learned early on that it doesn't matter how uncomfortable your sleeping arrangements are as long as it's outside, in the woods, and close to a body of water (he prefers lakes). Michael enjoys everything snow related and volunteers with Sugar Mountain Ski Patrol during winters. Since Raleigh is not the best place for skiing he finds kayaking being the next best thing. Michael came to Frog Hollow Outdoors after taking an Eno River trip and a River Kayak Fundamentals class. He loves being outdoors and wants to share his passion with others. Usually very quiet, but if you ask Michael where one can ski while avoiding the crowds, you'll wake him up.
Norabelle Danforth - Admin Support and Equipment Management
Nora recently graduated from Insight Co-Learning, the school Banks teaches at. Through her school’s education program, Nora developed a love for the outdoors and started working at Frog Hollow in January of 2023. Starting in July, Nora will join the National Civilian Conservation Corps, where she will spend a year working on various service projects across the country, including Forestry and Ecological Conservation. Nora loves animals and all things nature. She has endless curiosity and a passion for learning, no matter the subject.
Stephen Mullaney - Lead Guide and Instructor
Stephen Mullaney has worked internationally with schools, organizations and wilderness programs. His classrooms have ranged from dilapidated trailers at overcrowded, underfunded schools to the Himalayan mountains and everything imaginable in-between. His students include former gang members/prisoners and education majors, professors and pioneers in the field . Stephen's philosophy is to focus on the development of positive working and learning environments. Stephen brings over 25 years of education experience and understanding of human nature to bring positive change to any organization, whether it is an education institution or a private company. He prefers to arrive by bicycle and sit in the dirt.
Syd Cassels - Operations Support
Syd Cassels is an adventurous spirit with six years of paddling experience. Syd loves outdoor activities and collects board games in her free time! Syd joined the Frog Hollow crew in the summer of 2023 and is very excited to continue returning every summer. Syd is currently a senior at North Carolina State University studying sociology with minors in anthropology and geology. Syd is also our resident goofball, and enjoys making others smile.
Photo Coming Soon
Susan Stines - Operations Support